As we close out 2022, this holiday season is a time to celebrate with family, friends and co-workers. Unfortunately, it is also a time where many DUIs, car accidents and fatal crashes can occur due to increased alcohol intake and bad road conditions. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help keep you safe this winter and wish you and your loved ones the best this holiday season!
Wear a seatbelt
You and your passengers have a greater chance of walking away from a collision if you are wearing a seatbelt. Every passenger in the car should buckle up for every trip – no matter where you are going or how short this trip is. You should also install age-appropriate child restraints for children under 4 years and booster seats for older children up to ten years of age or 135 cm tall.
Limit alcohol intake, or better yet, call for a ride!
Alcohol is among the top risk factors for auto injuries, and should never be mixed with road travel, especially when road conditions are bad. It is always safest not to drink but if you do, stay within recommended limits.
The best thing you can do is to arrange alternative transport for you and your family. An Uber, Lyft or taxi ride is cheaper than a DUI or loss of a loved one.
Slow down
With an impact speed of 80 km/h, the likelihood of death in a crash is 20 times what it would be at an impact speed of 30 km/h. We understand trying to get to multiple places to make everyone happy and see all of your family, but being late is better than not arriving at all. Excessive or inappropriate speed contributes to 1 in 3 road traffic deaths. The faster your speed, the higher the risk of a crash. This also means a crash could cost you or someone else on the road their life.
Turn your phone to do not disturb
Between kids, pets, icy roads and balancing the pie you’re bringing over, there are many types of distractions that can lead to impaired driving. Why add another? The easiest and most effective way to limit an unnecessary distraction is to put your phone on silent, or do not disturb while your behind the wheel.
Drivers using mobile phones are approximately four times more likely to be involved in a crash. Hands-free phones are not much safer and if you are texting, the risk increases by more than twenty-fold.
Be on defense
Assume that other drivers aren’t following the steps above. Pretend that they don’t know the stop sign exists, or the light has just turned red. Give a few extra seconds or distance between your actions and theirs.